This was my Positive Visualization Board from 2009. Two things I hoped for came to pass so I am making my bigger and better 2010 board now. The two things that came true were an unexpected trip to see my…
Apolo Ohno said, "every day before you go to sleep, ask yourself one question: did you do every single thing you could today to make sure you did your best?"
Here is an assignment I used recently with the women I teach in prison. I asked them to think of words that described their children. What emerged were what sounded more like poetry than lists. Now your turn. I…
Lazy blizzard blogging! After a lovely day playing Monopoly with the family in front of the fire (instead of flying to Rochester for my school visit...sniff), I've decided to let Louis CK do my positive thinking for me. Thanks to…
I love Serge Bloch's illustration for this New York Time's article from Feb.1. The article, by Tara Parker-Pope, was entitled The Real Body Language. It was all about how our body listens to our mind, whether we know it or…
To me, the world is divided between those who love candy, and those who are not tormented daily - nay, hourly - (minute by minute?) at thoughts of "Where can I find my next piece of candy?" I am…
It's been a month now, and except for three, I blogged a positive thought daily. I'm trying to keep them related to writing, illustrating, and books, though occasionally I've found other stuff compelling. Thing is, I am loving how it's…
When I was a kid, I'd look through the Sunday New York Times to see if a Danny Kaye movie would be on TV that week. On the every-so-often chance that it would, I'd start coughing the night before and…
Deborah Lee Rose wrote me, "Even on really tough days, thinking and sharing positive thoughts helps keep me moving forward, and I can see the impact on others even before I realize it's helping me." Today I went for…