Brain Burps About Books Podcast #177

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In this week’s episode you’ll hear

Dancing With the Devil
President Taft is Stuck in the Bath by Mac Burnett

Where to come see me
  1. May 14th. 6-8pm The panel is co-presented by Barrington Books and the Barrington Public Library. With these writers, too: Bianca Turetsky, Annie Cardi, Katie Cotungo, Tara Sullivan


In the interview with Publishing Marketing Mgr. of, Caitlin O’Hanlon, you’ll hear
  • How to get High Wattage Promotion Power for Writers on Wattpad
  • how to magnetize your profile to entice more readers.
  • what a featured book is.
  • how a featured book affects on sales.
  • whether or not a writer should give away an entire book.
  • if Wattpad can work for a book that’s being traditionally published.
Thank you to our sponsor

Thank you to the MFA program at Hamline for sponsoring the podcast. Hamline is the only university in the U.S. with three fine arts programs in creative writing: BFA, MFA (writing for adults), and MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults. The deadline for application to July residency is May 15. (That’s SOON!) Click here to check it out!
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  • Taurean Watkins
    Posted May 9, 2014 11:40 am 0Likes

    I’m on Wattpad, but since I’m
    I tried to do a YA story on there but I got overwhelmed and didn’t finish it, but I’ll go back to it again when I get more into YA (I’m more focused on MG right now)
    Regarding “The Bears…”
    Your story reminded me of a book I’m reading now I really think you might like called “The Bear Comes Home” by Rafi Zabor. This is NOT a kid’s book (The characters swear more than I imagine you do off-air, and both of you and “The Bear” WAY more than me…), but since this episode’s about Wattpad, that has an audience of teens and adults 25+ (27 next week so I’m part of the “+” LOL!) I felt it was something worth sharing.
    Trust me, Katie, given the “running gag” on your podcast about your aversion to “Adult” books, I wouldn’t recommend this book if I didn’t think it was “worth it.” It’s funny, but deep, and proves what I write is not only for preschoolers (Though they’re part of the eventual audience I want to have) but my audience in terms of fiction is broader than yours at present, so that colors my opinions, too.
    I’m reading it now and when you mentioned the “Bear” story in this episode, I immediately thought of this book (In part, because it’s got strong language, etc.) made a fan book trailer for it-
    I’m not sure what kind of bear the title character is (still reading it, and it’s not specified yet…) but anyway he’s hilarious, and the parody of many kidlit classics of the animal fantasy genre is brilliant!
    When I eventually branch out to YA/Adult fiction, this is kind of book I’d do, only with FAR less swearing, among other things…
    I’m reviewing the book on T.A.A. soon, and I’m trying to figure out how to position it so it’s clear it’s not a kid’s book but is appropriate for teens and up, but part of T.A.A.’s mission statement is broadening what this type of story can be, both in approach, and the age/stage of readers.
    That said, to borrow your phrase, I’m just “Diving in here!” (LOL)

  • Taurean Watkins
    Posted May 9, 2014 11:49 am 0Likes

    One more thing I forgot to mention above-
    I knew about Wattpad before you did because I read about it in “Children’s Book Insider” 3 YEARS ago. I actually knew something before you did, and I’m sorry I didn’t mention when I first heard about “Dancing with The Devil” before you sold it, around you the time you did, I was still on cloud nine with selling my first middle grade novel “Gabriel.”
    if I hear of anything trending like this that you haven’t already scooped, I’ll let you know…
    Take care,
    Taurean J. Watkins (Taury)

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