Petaluma Cutest Little Chick Contest

I’m way late on these pictures, but I had so many! Thank you to Copperfield’s (they should be renamed Coop -erfield’s for Butter and Eggs Day!) for having me, and arranging to have me be one of three mother hens judging this contest. It was hard!

They had great signs made!

Petaluma Little chick poster


And displays all over the store!

Petaluma Little chick display 3


so this giant truck rolls up, and all the contestants go up, one by one…


Petaluma Little chick contest sign
though not all stay awake for the festivities!

Petaluma Little chick Petaluma Little chick Petaluma Glam Chick Petaluma Sleepy chick


  • austin
    Posted May 1, 2011 8:53 pm 0Likes

    aw man. the teenagers from the bookstore didnt make it up there. haha

    • katie
      Posted May 2, 2011 7:20 am 0Likes

      They deserved an entire post all to themselves! Check it out here!

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