Picture Book Month“Picture books are here and they’re important. I have yet to meet a three year old person who didn’t know what to do with a crayon. You make pictures with it.” – Chris Raschka, 2012 Caldecott Winner, from his Picture Book Month Essay
Once again, November has something to look forward to. Across the globe, schools, libraries, booksellers, and book lovers are coming together to celebrate the print picture book. 2011 marked the inaugural year for Picture Book Month. A resounding success, it went viral through social media and was even featured on Oprah.com.
The website, PictureBookMonth.com, features essays from “Picture Book Champions,” thought leaders in the children’s literature community. Each day in November, a new essay will be posted from the following notable contributors: Alma Flor Ada, Kathi Appelt, Sergio Bumatay (Philippines), Doreen Cronin, Kelly DiPucchio, Tony DiTerlizzi, Jackie French (Australia), Brett Helquist, Stephen Michael King (Australia), Uma Krishnaswami, Tara Lazar, E.B. Lewis, Tom Lichtenheld, Pat Mora, Margie Palatini, Emma Quay (Australia), Chris Raschka, Jean Reidy, Adam Rex, Peter Reynolds, John Rocco, Robert D. San Souci, Dan Santat, Jon Scieszka, Don Tate, Joyce Wan, Bruce Whatley (Australia), Karma Wilson, Kari-Lynn Winters (Canada), and Paul O. Zelinsky
This year, the celebration grows bigger with new partners such as The American Booksellers Association and The American Association of School Librarians. The Children’s Book Council, Reading is Fundamental, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators continue their support of the literacy initiative. A downloadable promotional kit is now available as well as certificates, posters, and bookmarks. A readathon and blogathon are planned. Brain Burps About Books Podcast, the #1 kidlit podcast on iTunes, is dedicating the entire month of November to Picture Book Month.
Founder Dianne de Las Casas said, “I’m excited about this year’s Picture Book Month. We have an incredible line-up of Picture Book Month Champions and their essays are a wondrous testament to the power of picture books.”
Join the celebration! Visit www.picturebookmonth.com
“Picture books are the connective tissue between a parent and a child. …you stop everything, snuggle up on the couch or the floor and share a story.” – John Rocco, 2012 Caldecott Honor Winner, from his Picture Book Month Essay
“Picture books bring the world to children, one tiny piece at a time.” – Doreen Cronin, New York Times #1 Bestelling Author, from her Picture Book Month Essay
No wonder The American Booksellers Association, The American Association of School Librarians, The Children’s Book Council, Reading is Fundamental, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators support Picture Book Month!

1 Comment

  • Damon Dean
    Posted August 27, 2012 9:29 pm 0Likes

    It would behoove us all to make sure our local libraries and school libraries are aware and involved in this upcoming important month!
    I’m forwarding the link to all my school librarians in my community and my city library…are they likely to already know about it? Sure. They have connections…but if LOCAL people prod them with a reminder, encourage them with an ‘att-a-boy’ attitude, they will likely make more of it than they normally would.

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