Lee Wardlaw is my guest poet poster today.
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Your tummy, soft as
warm dough. I knead and knead, then
bake it with a nap.
Haiku is…
pronounced HI-koo
a non-rhyming form of poetry that originated in Japan…
Today's guest poetry poster is Bobbi Katz!
No time? Write bad haiku!
If you’re in a hurry, there’s nothing faster than writing a bad haiku. Three lines, 17 syllables: What could be easier? The trick is to use the word “nice”…
Today's guest poetry poster is Marilyn Singer.
Marilyn writes:
It's no secret that I believe that children's poetry should be heard as well as seen. To that end, Barbara Genco, editor at Library Journal, and I organized the ALSC Poetry Blast, a…
Today's guest poet poster is Lesléa Newman.
Follow Lesléa on Facebook here.
Follow her on Twitter.
Fun with Formal Poetry
“Why do you write formal poetry?” I am often asked. The question always puzzles me. Why wouldn’t I write in form? I am…
Today's guest poetry poster is Susan Taylor Brown, who submitted an audio file for her post and oh, I am so happy she did. When she starts to read her poem, after explaining how it came to her, I got…
NOTE: Tonight's monthly tweetchat is now at 9pm ET and the hash tag is #kidlitbiz.
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Welcome to my guest poetry poster of the day, the woman with the best name ever, Renée LaTulippe!
Facebook page for No Water River
Follow Renee on Twitter
Please stop what you’re doing and recite these four lines out loud right now.…
Gail Carson Levine is today's guest poetry poster and is the author of many award-winning books for children, and, I'm pleased to say, a friend and a couple-of-towns-away neighbor.
Gail's guest post for poetry month:
For fun and devilment, I wrote a…
We're almost ready to hit the ground running, running right into Poetry Month! I've got guest poetry posters all set up throughout the month, and you are in for a huge treat!
Go here for a great list of Poetry Month…