If you’re like me, you’re having trouble right about now. Trouble figuring out how to stop writer’s block.
The warm sand, the smell of Coppertone, summer sunsets … they’re all calling
you. Walk away from your blog, the smell of fresh cut grass coos. Your book, and whatever else you need to do for your work somehow seems secondary when the town pool is open.
How to refocus your mind to write? How to stop writer’s block?
Use those sirens! While watching fireworks, I was hearing snippets in my head. It wasn’t great writing, but at least my mind wasn’t lying fallow!
The full moon looked pleased, watching the fireworks from the other side of the solar stadium. Lightening was jealous, and competed in the display.
(And yes, this is what our fireworks were like. Amazing! Full moon behind the explosions, lightening in the distance…spectacular!)
So while you’re at the farmer’s market, enjoying a lazy stroll through the summer tomatoes, describe them to yourself. Give them emotions. Ask their questions (Why does Harry always have to sit on top of me? His stem never fails to get me in the eye!)and enjoy your “lazy” summer.
Tips for overcoming writer’s block.
More tips.

Julie Falatko
I thought it was just me! I want to be as far away from the computer as possible, and notebooks seem to be mocking me.
You are SO not the only one! 😎 I wonder how many more of us out there there are?!
Julie Falatko
It does feel like there’s something in the air. I don’t remember this happening so intensely other summers. Also, I just finally finished Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine, and now I feel like I need to work hard, go on daily walks, and run into David Byrne at my local Latin dance club. On a daily basis. Who has time for anything else after all that?