Brain Burps About Books Podcast #162
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What’s in this episode?
- A review by Heather Preusser of Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.
- It’s the last week to get your New Year gift goal organizer.
- Submit your questions for the upcoming LIVE Google+ hangout Lunch ‘n Learns by
email by clicking here
voice by clicking here
- How to write 12 picture book manuscripts in 12 months.
- My next launch team sign up for the second edition launch of How to Promote Your Children’s Book: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to Create a Bestseller is here.
- Learn about professional publications tools with page flip effect:
What’s in this interview with Julie Hedlund?
- How you can write 12 manuscripts in 12 months.
- How Julie’s forum connects you with other writers – check out the exclusive private tour in the video!
- Where you can get critique partners.
- How to get agents to put you at the top of the slush pile.
- How to earn badges!

Sometimes I use affiliate links. if you click on them and buy what I recommend, I earn a referral fee. You do not pay any more than if you found the same thing through a search engine. It’s akin to going to a restaurant and getting a recommendation from the waitress on what’s good. You don’t pay more for the food she suggests, but you might tip her for her service. In any case I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, recommend a product or person I don’t believe in or trust. Otherwise, how would you believe me next time?
Hi Katie! Am I too late for your goal workbook? I clicked the link and added myself in repeatedly, but nothing happened. Did I miss it or am I doing something wrong?
That’s odd, Grace. I looked and see you were added – you didn’t get the download? Did you check your download folder? In any case, I have your email address and will send it to you separately.
Sam Moulton
Hi Katie I would also like to no if I am to late for your goal workbook
Nope – not too late – turns out the site through which the workbook is delivered was down. Just go to to get it.
Katie Davis
No, Sam, you're not too late! Turns out their site was down – the one that delivers the goal workbook. So just go to to get it through the end of January!