I’m going to start easy. Work my way up to the deep, esoteric thoughts. So here we go…my first positive thought for this year, no, this decade is…

Yesterday at 6:22 pm I submitted the final draft of my next book to my editor. So today I am not going to work and will sit in front of the fire and read until I have to go to a New Year’s Day party. And anyone who knows me knows how much I love a party. New people, good food, laughing.
Oh! And another good thought…I got complimentary emails yesterday and today about my newsletter, Brain Burps About Books. It made me feel so good and let me know there are people who actually read it, and are helped by it. My favorite new feature is the Book Recipe of the Month. In the December issue I named my best-in-the-world carrot cake the Pat the Bunny Carrot Cake.
Okay, so this was more than one thought. But if you have a great recipe that makes you think of a book, please send it and I’ll include it in my newsletter. (My faves are the kind that’re easy to make but has an out-of-proportion reaction from the eaters.)

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